

Charity Name: Crisis

Crisis is the national charity for homelessness in Great Britain. Through our life-changing services we support people directly out of homelessness. Using over 50 years of research and direct experience with our members, we campaign for the changes needed to end homelessness in Britain for good.

Your donated car will help fund innovative education, employment, housing and well-being services at 11 Crisis Skylight centers across Britain.

These centers support over 10,000 people experiencing or being under the threat homelessness a year to develop the tools they need to leave homelessness behind once and for all by finding work, accommodation, renewed confidence and positive social networks.

During the festive season, Crisis also provides a warm welcome to over 4,000 homeless people at our Christmas centers. In addition to a hot meal and a safe place to sleep, guests are offered medical care, dentistry, haircuts, fresh clothes and the chance to access Crisis’ year-round support services, and leave homelessness behind for good, in the New Year.

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